This Project is for a product description web page.
My Product is a Jacket from Superdry website.
Original resource from Superdry website
1. Why do this project
I do this project because I want to try coding the shopping page in future.
Another hand, I want to try the another style of the product page.
2. Time
5 hours
3. Structure in my mind at beginning
I made a mind map to clear the structure.
3. Wireflow
I was thinking to make one product. 
But It may become several product web pages like the products cards show.
That cards can be switched between each other.
7. Design
6. Coding tools with Code
language: HTML, CSS, Javascript
Software:  Sublime Text, File Zilla
Considering the Backwards Compatibility, I added the html5shiv.js in the folder. 
7. Web page Testing
Use to check the web page and see if some errors or bugs
It is very useful checking tool.
8. Final Web Page
Website Link: Here
The Code Download HERE

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